RF Explorer Frequency Coordination


In today's interconnected world, radio frequency (RF) technology serves as the backbone of modern communication systems. From wireless networks to satellite communications, RF frequencies enable seamless data transfer, enabling us to stay connected across vast distances. However, the growing demand for RF spectrum across a multitude of applications has led to a significant challenge: spectrum congestion.

The efficient and harmonious use of RF frequencies has become more critical than ever before. This is where RF frequency coordination emerges as a crucial discipline. RF frequency coordination involves the careful planning, allocation, and management of available RF spectrum to minimize interference and maximize spectral efficiency. It ensures that various wireless systems can coexist without causing disruption, allowing us to harness the full potential of RF technology.

The RF Explorer serves as a powerful tool to understanding and implementing effective RF frequency coordination strategies and is useful whether you are a seasoned RF engineer, a communication network operator, audio engineer managing wireless audio microphones or someone new to the field.

How to perform frequency coordination analysis

Navigate to the main menu, click on "Mode," and select the "Frequency Coordination" option to enter FC mode.
Configure your project by going to "Config" -> "Project." Fill in the description details and define the operational frequency range for data evaluation.

If necessary, set exclusion frequency ranges to avoid coordinating devices within these frequencies. You can also easily exclude TV channel stations, starting from the current known location.


Press the "Back" button and select the "Inventory" option to choose devices available in the project's global inventory.

Click on the "Project" option to select the devices to be used for frequency coordination analysis.

Press "Back" to access the "Analyze" option. Adjust the threshold amplitude to filter out noise bands, and configure locked frequency devices as required for your system optimal performance.

Once the adjustments are complete, proceed to the last step by clicking the "Calculate" button to perform the frequency coordination analysis.
The results of the frequency coordination analysis will be displayed, including the intermodulation parameters.
To view real-time activity data during the calculated frequency coordination analysis, click the "Back" button to return to the main FC graph.
Frequency Coordination Real Time data

Configuration Options

Frequency Coordination Display Options

RF Explorer Pro model

For more details on the RF Explorer Pro display configuration, please visit the following link:

RF Explorer PLUS models

For more details on the RF Explorer PLUS models display configuration, please visit the following link:

Device options

RF Explorer Pro model

For more details on the RF Explorer Pro device configuration, please visit the following link:

RF Explorer PLUS models

For more details on the RF Explorer PLUS models device configuration, please visit the following link:

Frequency Coordination Project Details

Name: Project name

Description: Project description or purpose

Customer name: Project customer name

File Path: Directory and file name for current project where it will be saved

Start Frequency (MHz): Initial project frequency where devices will be coordinated, device will begin capture data from this point

Stop Frequency (MHz): End project frequency where devices will be coordinated, device will stop to capture data at this point.

Frequency Range Exclusions

Name: Exclusion name

Start (MHz): Exclusion start frequency in MHz

Stop (MHz): Exclusion stop frequency in MHz

How to remove an Exclusion

Exclusions, once defined, can be modified or removed to adapt to changing requirements. To delete an exclusion, follow these steps:

Access Configuration:

Navigate to the main menu, click on "Mode," and select the "Frequency Coordination" option to enter Frequency Coordination mode.


Open project Settings:

Within the "Config" section, locate and select the "Project" settings.

Manage Exclusions:

In the "Project" settings, find the "Frequency Range Exclusion" data table. This table lists all the defined exclusions.

Select Exclusion:

Identify the specific exclusion you wish to remove from the list. Click on the corresponding row to select it.

Remove Exclusion:

Once the desired exclusion is selected, click the button labeled as "Remove Exclusion" for removal from menu.


A message prompt may appear, confirming your intention to delete the selected exclusion. Confirm the action to proceed.

Exclusion Removal:

After confirming, the exclusion will be deleted from the project. The data table will update, and the exclusion you removed will no longer be listed.


By following these steps, you can effectively remove an exclusion from the project's configuration.

To remove all the exclusions defined in the project at once, click the "Remove All Exclusions" button inside the Config -> Project menu.

It's important to exercise caution when making changes to exclusions, as they can impact the coordination and performance of RF communication systems.

Always ensure that exclusions are modified or removed based on well-considered requirements and in compliance with coordination goals.


Any significant alteration in frequency coordination parameters or configurations will render the current analysis invalid.

Frequency coordination analysis relies on specific input parameters and assumptions, and modifying these factors can affect the results.

How to add TV Channels as exclusions

Enter TV channels interface by clicking on “TV Channels” menu button.

Finding television channels that may affect the Frequency Coordination area.

To identify television channels that could impact the frequency coordination area being analyzed, there are two methods available:

Guided Method:

Using the interface selection controls, the user must choose the country, state, city, and postal code (the selections must follow the specific order to ensure the postal code is properly identified), based on the available options for each selection.


Select the Country

Begin by choosing the country from the dropdown menu. This is the first step and determines the subsequent options available for the state selection.


Select the State

After selecting the country, proceed to choose the state. The available states will depend on the country selected in the previous step.


Select the City

Once the state is selected, choose the city. The list of cities will be filtered based on the state selected.


Select the Postal Code

Finally, select the postal code. The postal codes shown will correspond to the chosen city. Completing this step ensures accurate identification of the postal code.


Pinpoint by Latitude and Longitude for maximum precision. Define your location using geographic coordinates to tailor de exclusion setup exactly to your needs.


Simplify wireless frequency coordination with the latest TV Station data for the US (updated with the FCC) and 40 other countries. Quickly include all exclusion channels for any location.

1. Country Selection
3. City Selection
2. State Selection
4. Postal Code Selection
Guide method result

Defined Location Method:

By Postal Code: First, the user should select the country where the TV channel search will be conducted. Then, enter the postal code and click the "Search" button to find the television channels.

By Location Coordinates: The user should enter the location coordinates in Latitude,Longitude format and click the "Search" button to find the television channels.

Search by Postal Code
Search by Location Coordinates

Global Inventory

Refers to the primary database containing information about the available microphones that a user can choose from when performing frequency coordination analysis.

Available Manufactures

Deity Microphones
Radio Active Designs
Sound Devices

This inventory includes details about various microphones and manufactures, such as their frequency ranges, step size, technical specifications, and other relevant characteristics.

Users can select microphones from this database to ensure that their frequency coordination analysis takes into account the specific capabilities and parameters of the chosen microphones.

The global inventory serves as a comprehensive and organized repository of microphone data, assisting users in making informed decisions during the frequency coordination process.

How to add custom devices

Customized devices allow users to define microphones that are not included in the global inventory.
Press an empty row.
Select Manufacturer "CUSTOM".
Click on Model "Custom Model..." to set its own device model name.
Click on Band "..." to set its own device band name.
Define desired Start/Stop/Step operation frequencies which device could be coordinated.

Project Inventory

Refers to the operational inventory where the devices that will participate in the frequency coordination process are set up.

In this inventory, users define visual device name and establish the specific devices that will be involved in coordinating frequencies for a particular project.

You can add as many devices of the same model/band as needed

To add multiple devices at once, specify the number of devices you want to add in the "Add" indicator in the top-right corner.

Analyze option

This window facilitates the process of frequency coordination based on the configured device settings.

Users can set an amplitude threshold, above which signals surpassing it are designated as noise bands, impacting the coordination analysis.

How to calculate frequency coordination analysis

Adjust threshold amplitude (dBm) to set the frequencies of noise bands.

Define locked frequencies and configure devices as locked or unlocked as needed to optimize the frequency coordination analysis.

Generated noise bands will be displayed and updated when new threshold value defined.
Press "Calculate" button and wait for frequency coordination analysis result.
When completed, devices table will be filled with coordination parameters and graph will depict frequency coordination analysis result.

The frequency coordination calculation process can be performed as many times as necessary, adjusting the threshold amplitude if required for each analysis.

Additionally, the currently scanned sweep can be updated with the most recent activity data.

Frequency Coordination calculated
Frequency Coordination not calculated

How to lock a device frequency

Click the "Frequency" cell for a device and set the desired locked frequency in MHz. Use the "Locked” / ”Unlocked" button to toggle the device frequency between locked and unlocked.

  • Unlocked Device: The frequency has not been pre-set for the frequency coordination calculation. As a result, the algorithm will determine the optimal frequency for that device.

  • Locked Device: The frequency has been pre-defined for the frequency coordination calculation. Therefore, the algorithm will perform the coordination calculation without altering the frequencies of locked devices, but it will consider this frequency when calculating intermodulation and other parameters that may affect the analysis. The established frequency must always be within the device's range and respect the designated channel locations. Otherwise, it will be adjusted to the nearest valid frequency.


The default state for device frequency is "Unlocked."

How to get frequency coordination summary

Press [i] button to get frequency coordination status. It displays metrics of the:

  • The total count of devices included in the frequency coordination process
  • The number of devices for which the algorithm used the optimal path to calculate frequencies. Optimal coordination ensures the most efficient allocation of frequencies, minimizing interference and maximizing performance.
  • The number of devices for which the algorithm used a valid, but non-optimal, path to calculate frequencies. While not optimal, these calculations meet the necessary conditions for functionality without critical performance degradation.
  • The count of devices where frequencies were locked to a specific value for analysis purposes. Fixed assignments can be used to evaluate particular scenarios or constraints within the coordination process.

Report Option

Freq Coord Report

These options applies to PDF report generated after frequency coordination done

Device List
Enable/Disable the report of device project inventory

Exclusion List
Enable/Disable the report of the excluded frequency ranges, including both defined exclusions and generated noise bands.

Coordination Chart
Enable/Disable the report of frequency coordination chart over the full analysis, including all items involved


How to import a scan for Frequency Coordination analysis

To perform frequency coordination analysis using scan data, follow these steps:

Following these steps ensures that you import the relevant scan data and perform the necessary frequency coordination analysis based on the selected sweep.


Access the Frequency Coordination mode:

Navigate to the main menu of the Frequency Coordination mode within your application.

Select "File" and "Load...":

In the main menu, click on "File," then choose "Load..." from the menu. This action will open a file selection dialog.

Navigate to desired sweep file:

Use the file selection dialog to navigate to and select the scan data files you want to import for analysis. These files have a ".rfe" extension.

Choose the specific sweep:

After loading the scan data, you can use the sweep navigation control located at the bottom of the interface. This control allows you to select the exact sweep within the loaded data that you want to use for your frequency coordination analysis.

Update sweep data:

If you have previously performed a frequency coordination calculation and you're using new scan data, you may need to update the sweep data. To do this, click on the "Calculate" button and accept any prompted messages to update the current sweep data with the newly loaded scan.

Perform Frequency Coordination analysis:

Once you have selected the appropriate sweep data and updated it if needed, the frequency coordination analysis will be performed using the selected sweep data.


It's important to use accurate and up-to-date scan data to make informed decisions when coordinating frequencies for RF communication systems.

How to generate a PDF Report for Frequency Coordination results

After completing the frequency coordination analysis, follow these steps to generate a PDF report that includes essential project information and analysis results:


Access the Main Menu:

Navigate to the main menu, click on "Mode," and select the "Frequency Coordination" option to enter Frequency Coordination mode.

Save the Frequency Coordination Project as PDF:

Navigate to the main menu, click on "Mode," and select the "Frequency Coordination" option to enter Frequency Coordination mode.

Generating a PDF report is a valuable step in documenting and communicating the results of your frequency coordination analysis.

It provides a clear record of the coordination efforts, device assignments, and key project details, making it useful for reference, reporting to stakeholders, and ensuring the proper management of RF resources.

Report Contents

The generated PDF report will include the following components:

Information about the frequency coordination project, including project name, date of analysis, and project description.

Locking Device Frequency

In an RF coordination analysis, the concept of locking a device frequency is essential for optimizing the use of the RF spectrum, particularly in environments where multiple devices are operating simultaneously. Including this concept serves the following purposes:

Locking a frequency ensures that no other devices can use that specific frequency, preventing overlap and minimizing the risk of interference. This is particularly critical for devices that operate in sensitive or mission-critical bands.

Exclusion in RF Frequency Coordination

In the context of RF frequency coordination, "exclusion" refers to the deliberate avoidance or restriction of certain frequency ranges or bands within a specific geographic area to prevent interference with critical communication systems or sensitive devices.

Exclusion zones are established to protect essential services, ensure operational integrity, and maintain the quality of communication in environments where interference could lead to severe consequences.

Exclusion zones play a pivotal role in RF frequency coordination, particularly in scenarios where interference must be minimized to ensure reliable and safe operation of communication systems.

Noise Bands in RF Frequency Coordination

Within the context of RF frequency coordination, "Noise Bands" refer to specific frequency ranges where the level of RF activity surpasses a predetermined threshold, leading to an environment that is potentially disruptive for coordination efforts due to the prevalence of interference.

These noise bands are characterized by higher-than-normal levels of electromagnetic signals, which can emanate from various sources such as electronic devices, machinery, environmental factors, or unintentional RF emissions. The elevated RF activity within these frequency ranges can adversely impact the quality and reliability of communication systems, potentially leading to communication breakdowns, reduced signal-to-noise ratios, and overall compromised performance.

In the process of RF frequency coordination, identifying and documenting noise bands is crucial for strategic frequency allocation. Coordinators analyze the noise bands to ensure that frequencies allocated to different communication systems avoid overlapping with or being too close to these noisy frequency ranges. By doing so, interference is minimized, and the overall integrity of communication systems is preserved, allowing for efficient and reliable data transfer across various wireless applications.

In summary, noise bands are the frequency ranges characterized by excessive RF activity that exceeds defined thresholds, making them challenging and potentially harmful for effective RF frequency coordination due to the potential for interference. Proper identification and management of noise bands are integral to successful frequency planning and coordination efforts.

Definition of "Threshold Amplitude" for Noise Bands calculation

The "threshold amplitude" in the context of noise bands refers to the minimum signal strength or power level that serves as a criterion for identifying and delineating frequency ranges as noise bands. It represents the point at which the amplitude of RF signals becomes significant enough to potentially cause interference with communication systems, rendering those frequency ranges unsuitable for effective RF frequency coordination.

Importance of Threshold Amplitude in Noise Bands Definition

The use of threshold amplitude in defining noise bands is of paramount importance for several reasons:

Establishing a threshold amplitude helps differentiate between harmless background RF noise and potentially disruptive interference. By setting a minimum amplitude level, only those frequency ranges with substantial RF activity that might affect communication systems are considered noise bands. This ensures that coordination efforts are focused on addressing interference-prone areas.


In summary, the threshold amplitude is a critical parameter in the definition of noise bands. It ensures that only frequency ranges with significant RF activity that could potentially lead to interference are categorized as noise bands. This concept facilitates accurate interference assessment, effective frequency coordination, and the overall protection of communication systems in complex RF environments.

Intermodulation in RF Frequency Coordination

Intermodulation products, often referred to as "intermods," are unintended signals that occur when two or more RF (radio frequency) signals interact within a nonlinear device or system. These products can lead to interference in RF communication systems and are a critical consideration in frequency coordination efforts.

Intermodulation Orders:

Intermodulation products are categorized into different orders based on the number of original signals involved in the nonlinear mixing process. The most commonly considered orders in frequency coordination are as follows:

Second-order intermodulation occurs when two RF signals combine to create new frequencies that are the sum and difference of the original frequencies. For instance, if you have signals at frequencies f1 and f2, you may observe intermodulation products at frequencies of 2f1 - f2 and 2f2 - f1.


The order of intermodulation products is significant in frequency coordination because it determines the specific frequencies at which interference may occur. Coordinators must take into account the potential for intermodulation products when allocating frequencies to minimize interference and ensure reliable and efficient RF communication systems.

Understanding and managing intermodulation products, including IM3 and IM5, is essential to maintain the quality and integrity of RF communication systems in complex and crowded RF environments.