Using a Voucher to get a Device License
Use your Voucher
If you purchase a voucher from an RF Explorer software distributor, you must enter it in the "License or Voucher Code" field.
A valid voucher code follows the format XXXXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZZ and is required to generate a license code at no additional cost.
Enter your Registration email
Enter your email, it is important this email is correct as otherwise the license server will not be able to send you the license code.
Click on Next button
This step will connect with a secure server license so a valid internet connection is required. The server will send you an email with a valid License Code.
Check your email
A few minutes later you will receive an email with your license code. You need this license code to complete the activation.
A valid license code follows the format XXXX-YYYY-XXXX-YYYY-XXXX.

Enter your License code
Enter the license code you received by email. Note you should not confuse Voucher with License received by email. At this point you no longer need the Voucher, only the license code to activate your device.
Click on Next button
This step will connect with a secure server license so a valid internet connection is required. The tool will automatically activate it on the connected RF Explorer device, the process may take a minute or two, please be patient for the process to complete and confirm the license is activated.
License confirmation
A popup message will confirm the license is correctly installed in the RF Explorer device. You can now check the About screen in the RF Explorer device to confirm the new license is listed.