RF Explorer RFEMWSUB3G is finally here.

We are offering a 20% discount the first week for the first 50 units of the expansion module, to help users of existing models waiting for long to have easier access to this new module.

The RFEMWSUB3G expansion module can be plugged in your RF Explorer easily, by following these simple instructions. The RFEMWSUB3G includes an EVA case to easily carry on your RF Explorer.

Right after this sale expires, full RF Explorer 3G Combo units will be available. These are fully assembled units with a WSUB1G on the main board and a RFEM WSUB3G on the expansion board. The 3G Combo comes with an EVA case too.

For detailed specifications of the new model, please check the RF Explorer 3G page here, you can order it from SeeedStudio and will be available very soon from our distributors, check this page for more info and contact your local distributor for more details.


Check this online video of RF Explorer WSUB3G in action, working with complex FM modulation at different frequencies.


As all you did with earlier orders, you are supporting a long term project, helping us to bring affordable instruments for practical use. Every of your orders help to fund additional engineering hours, required RF equipment and better embedded firmware and PC client software. Many thanks to all RF Explorer users: this little device is a reality just because you support it!

Important: The new 3G model has a lot of powerful capabilities but the firmware is still progressing towards the many benefits this board has to offer, so make sure you upgrade your unit with upcoming firmware revisions – there are many exciting features coming on the next few months.


SMA Quality accesories

In addition to that, SeeedStudio is now offering SMA quality attenuators, 50ohm termination load and adapters for use with your RF Explorer. They are all very competitive in price and fit nicely to extend usability of your device.

Items available are:

There will be additional accessories available in the near future; some of them custom build just for RF Explorer. Stay tuned.