RF Explorer Signal Generator RFE6GEN does not directly create FM or AM modulation signals, but can be easily used to produce low rate modulation including SINAD signals using Frequency Sweep.

For a FM modulation of 1KHz tone typically used for SINAD, proceed as follows:

  • Select the Start Frequency the value you need (e.g. 2.000000GHz)
  • Select the Stop Frequency the FM deviation you need. For instance for a 5KHz deviation, set exactly 5KHz above (e.g. 2.000005Ghz)
  • Select the Frequency Step same value as FM deviation (e.g. 5KHz)
  • Select the Step Delay. For a 1KHz tone, you need 1ms delay, therefore define Step Delay:00.001
  • Select RF power you need and start transmission using Frequency Sweep operational mode.

With this technique the highest rate tone generated is 1KHz (which correspond to 1ms step delay). With a 2ms step delay, frequency tone is 500Hz, etc.