Tracking SNA mode

This feature allows for rapid diagnostics and characterization of cables, filters, and amplifiers. When combined with a directional coupler, it can measure impedance and characterize antenna VSWR.

Sweep navigation control is not available for replaying sweeps

RealTime and Average are the only available traces

Touch Labels

Some parameters can be easily configured by screen touch with yellow areas in picture above.

Press each of these regions to change:

  • Measure Data - Change with selection dialog
  • Generator Power - Change with dialog
  • Sweep Average - Change with numeric dialog
  • Sweep Speed and Points - Change tracking sweep steps with numeric dialog

Amplitude Menu


Select Signal Generator power for tracking SNA


Select display option to correctly interpret tracking sweep data


Total number of sweeps to average samples, larger numbers improve noise rejection

Frequency Menu


Start frequency sweep


Stop frequency sweep


Tracking SNA steps. The more steps you use, the longer the sweep will take. Recommended values are from 50 to 200 steps for a good compromise of speed and resolution.


Standard SNA requirement to rule out any cable, connector or environmental imperfection. The application will properly measure the response of your setup and will consider that 0dB response in order to refer any measurement to it.


Perform/Finalize SNA for continuous tracking sweep. Screen will be updated with SNA results every few seconds.

The Start button is available when normalization process done successfully

The Stop button is available while performing tracking process