Power Meter mode
This specific operating mode allows the measurement of power across a wide frequency range. In this mode, the power meter is designed to accurately measure the total power of signals that span a broad bandwidth, rather than focusing on specific frequencies or narrowband signals.
Wideband power meters are commonly used in applications where the frequency content of the signals being measured varies over a wide range. They are ideal for measuring the total power of wideband signals, such as broadband communication systems, wideband radar signals, and signals with frequency-hopping modulation schemes.
The wideband power meter mode typically provides a higher measurement speed and efficiency compared to narrowband power measurement modes, as it captures the total power across a wide frequency range in a single measurement.
Wideband Power Meter supports following modes:
Continuous data capture for specific reference frequency
In this mode, the system enables continuous data capture for a specific reference frequency. The continuous data capture functionality allows for real-time and uninterrupted measurement of the chosen reference frequency. This feature is particularly valuable for detailed analysis and monitoring of signals at the specified frequency, providing valuable insights into its behavior over time.
Frequency Menu
Refers to the specific frequency chosen as the reference point for power measurements while capturing activity data