RF Explorer Touch for Raspberry Pi

Touch Screen Raspberry

Configuration and Setup

RF Explorer Touch can be used with Raspberry Pi in two different configurations:

Thumbnail1 RPITouch

Use SD Card image for IoT module

There are SD Card standard Raspberry Pi images for models 3B, 3B+ and 4B, specifically adapted to the official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen combined with RF Explorer IoT module. The Touch Screen is optional and any compatible screen or HDMI monitor can be used. Touch screen operation for other screens may require specific configuration to be updated.


Installation process:

Install in existing Raspbian

If using a full image is not best suited for your needs, you can easily update any valid Raspbian setup with the following steps:

sudo RFETouchRPiBundle

Upgrade an existing RFETouch version

In order to upgrade an already working raspbian image which includes RFETouch setup already, it is simpler to just download the RFETouch binaries and not the whole Raspbian image again.

Quick start guide for IoT module

Once RFETouch application has been started, the software will connect with RF Explorer IoT device automatically if it is available and it will start capturing and displaying real-time data from RF Explorer IoT device after a few seconds. From there you can change frequency and amplitude settings with menus, as described in full user manual.

Tune FM radio

  1. Connect an antenna to the RF Explorer IoT module RF connector.
  2. Set Start frequency at 88 MHz and Stop frequency at 108 MHz.
  3. Spectrum Analyzer graph will show captured activity in real time from FM radio channels, a possible example is displayed below.

FM Signal Example

Open example files

  1. Go to File -> Load and a files dialog will appear.
  2. Navigate to path /home/pi/RFExplorer for SD Card Image setup or in other case, select directory where RF Explorer examples are.
  3. Select file Antenna_FM_93.9MHz.rfe and click on [Load]
  4. Main screen will show data in spectrum analyzer graph for one captured FM station.

Antenna Example

Use SD Card image for USB devices

The same SDCard images available for IoT module can be used to work with USB devices, with the following changes:

User manual

For more details, please read user manual.