Using Presets in RF Explorer


Presets are predefined configuration names stored in the device to easily recall commonly used setups.

The RF Explorer Preset Manager tool can be used in Connected and Disconnected mode. Connected mode is required to update the RF Explorer device, but Disconnected mode is useful to manually define presets that can be later uploaded to one or more RF Explorer devices.

For companies with multiple RF Explorer devices, this tool is the easiest way to propagate the same settings to all them.

Device models supported:

  • RF Explorer Spectrum Analyzers Combo (with Expansion board) support presets since firmware version v1.26. This include ISM Combo, 3G Combo, 6G Combo and Wifi Combo.
  • RF Explorer Spectrum Analyzer Plus and ProAudio model since initial firmware v3.00 support embedded presets but firmware v3.06 is required to connect with RF Explorer Preset Manager.

Firmware upgrade is available in the download page:

For specific help on using presets in the handheld device, please check user manual:

This tool is available for Windows computers (Windows XP SP3 and higher, including latest Windows 11), Linux and Mac computers. Please see specific sections below.

Preset Manager Quick Startup guide (for Windows)

Supported versions: Windows XP SP3 up to Windows 11.

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Connect your device

Connect your RF Explorer device to USB and keep it in standard Spectrum Analyzer mode. Only one device can be connected to USB, otherwise the tool will not be able to communicate with RF Explorer.

Select Preset Manager

Open the RF Explorer Preset Manager tool, it will automatically connect to RF Explorer and indicate so in the “Status” section.

Reload presets

Press button [Reload All Presets From Device] to get all defined presets from your RF Explorer device (if any) into the Computer.

Modify or create presets

Do any manual modification or create new presets, as required.

Update all presets

When all changes are completed, click button [Update All Presets To Device] to get RF Explorer device update with all changes from Computer.

Close Preset Manager

Close the RF Explorer Preset Manager tool.

Detailed description

The tool include tooltips help text on each button and function, keep the mouse a couple of seconds on top of any application area to get instant description.

The tool will scan and try to connect to any RF Explorer device when it starts.

If there is no RF Explorer connected, it will work in Disconnected mode. This mode is useful to define presets or modify existing ones, stored in local Computer. To connect to an actual device, the application must be closed and reopened again.

If a RF Explorer Spectrum Analyzer device is connected to the USB port, the application will automatically connect upon starting. It will not connect if more than one RF Explorer device is connected to USB, for instance if a Spectrum Analyzer and a Signal Generator are both connected.

The tool uses 500Kbps speed mode only. If connection fails, please make sure to check the CONFIG MENU baudrate selected in the RF Explorer device, should be set to 500Kbps in the device for it to work.

RF Explorer Preset Manager for Mac

Supported versions: MacOS 10.11 El Capitan, 10.14 Mojave. Alternatively, you can use our free VirtualMachine or Windows dual boot and Parallels as options for macOS versions higher than 10.14.

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Install instructions:

Install drivers

Install USB drivers and Mono as documented in this article:

Download Preset Manager

Download the RF Explorer Preset Manager from this download page:

Run Software

Run the software from the package, or better drag it to the dock or the Applications container.


Make sure the software is Authorized for use in MacOS Sierra or newer versions: You may need to authorize the application explicitly in your system. To do so, go to Security & Privacy panel in System Preferences, then hit the Allow or Enable option.

RF Explorer Preset Manager for Linux

The specific version for Linux run with mono. It is tested and supported in Ubuntu 64bits v16.04 using Mono 4.x, it should work fine in any modern distro using a recent stable version of Mono.

fab fa-linux
Install instructions:

Install Mono

Download and install Mono for your Linux distro from Mono project website:

Change user permissions

Add your linux user to the dialup group, otherwise may not be able to open the USB port. For instance this command will do it in Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo adduser <my_user> dialout

Download executable

Download and copy RF Explorer Preset Manager for Linux executable, you can locate it anywhere in your computer.

Connect device

Connect your RF Explorer spectrum analyzer to the USB port. Only Combo and Plus models are supported.

Run the tool

Run the tool with this command:
mono RFEPresetManagerLinux.exe


Use regular Linux login, not root or superuser, otherwise configuration files will not be stored in the home folder correctly.